Thursday Thoughts!


Photo courtesy of Marc-Anthony Kenney

I had a conversation with my significant other, possibly last week, and I asked him if he thought that in a relationship, at some point, do you think that one person loves the other more? He replied with something very philosophical that I currently can’t remember. I instantly cast the thought from my head and agreed (previously I thought the saying was accurate). More and more now, as the weeks have gone by, I’ve began to rethink my stance on the matter.

I have been in my share of relationships, most of them ending because the guy was either unable to meet my needs (which I promise, I don’t have many of), decided to not make our relationship a priority, or they were just plain moronic. To me, and I could be very wrong, all share a common factor: I gave more than they had given. I made sure their needs were attended to, I made our relationship a priority, and I made sure I was not a moron. But just because I gave more in my past relationships, does that mean that the past guys love me any less.

My current boyfriend asked how can you measure one’s love? He might be right to question this. How can you? In daylight? In Sunsets? In cups of coffee? (Sorry, RENT reference.) But do you measure in the things you do for the other, or how much you long for the other, or sex? I’m not sure exactly, but for me if I give you more of myself, I feel like I’m putting my heart more on the line than the other. To me, if I am willing to put my all into you/give you my heart, I’m showing you how much I love you and care about this relationship. How can you love someone if you don’t offer your entire self/your heart to the other. Is it really love , or just words that you have gotten comfortable and use to saying?

I am not saying I am an expert in love, its just how I see things. Love is a gamble and you have to put something in to get something back. I don’t feel like this is the case in my past relationships. The others decided to hold their chips to close to themselves, so they lost the game. Or rather they won, but didn’t win the main prize (not that I’m conceited enough to think of myself as a grand prize or anything. Just go with the analogy). So I feel like I loved them more than they loved me, I was willing to put it all out there.

But you tell me, how do you feel on the matter? I could very well be looking at it all wrong, so enlighten me. That was Thursday thought.

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