Thursday Thoughts!


So its the first week of the 2016, the new year, and I’m thinking about the things left behind in 2015 and the things wanted to be accomplished this year. What did you feel was needed to be left (or was forced to leave) in 2015? What does this year hold for you?

I was forced to realize quite a few things in 2015 (specifically at the end). How much I truly appreciate my mom being in my life and how much closer we have gotten after years of her not accepting my sexual orientation. Siblings can be a blessing when you’re older. What friends will be there for you when you’re down and out. Despite knowing someone for YEARS and wanting to be with them, you don’t know them until you’ve dated them. Sometimes you should just stay friends. Everything happens for a reason.


“The Weight of Time” by Julie De Waroquier

My 2015 had “Ups” and way, way, way “Downs,” but I have truly grown from all the experiences and humbled myself and many aspects (after I came to terms with the whole “everything happens for a reason” thing). I had very low points in this year, some are still with me, but its the first week, so I just need a bit of time before I’m fully focused on what needs to be done this year.

I’m 25 and realizing that time is passing so fast and I keep seeing that number after the 2 increase (I’ll be 26 in 5 months and some change). This year I want to take more chances, really go for my dreams and accomplish something astounding. Hopefully I can get more people reading this blog.


It’s difficult at times, but you have to know what things are worth carrying and what things aren’t. If it’s dragging you down and not contributing to your life, it’s time to drop that unnecessary baggage.

My Thursday Thought!